At QuantoLux, we believe that growth is contagious, and we’re excited to see that energy spread thro...

How LIBS is Revolutionizing Material Analysis ... and more
At QuantoLux, we believe that growth is contagious, and we’re excited to see that energy spread thro...
A new QLX9 HD analyzer is en route to a customer in Turkey, where it will be installed next to the s...
We have reached an exciting milestone at QuantoLux: we officially received the key to our new compan...
As the year draws to a close, our annual Christmas party is always a highlight that brings us closer...
Accurate slag analysis is vital in the steel industry to ensure process control, optimize raw materi...
Waste-to-Energy Plants Producing Steel as a By-Product: The Future of Steel Mills?
Waste-to-Energy Plants Producing Steel as a By-Product: The Future of Steel Mills? We are very proud...
Transforming the Steel Industry: The Crucial Role of Slag Composition in E-Furnace The shift from tr...
Last week, the QuantoLux Team successfully commissioned another QLX9 slag analyzer for a steel mill ...
On November 6th and 7th, 2024, Otto Fuchs KG in Meinerzhagen welcomed the members of Aluminium Deuts...